One Maryland Blog

December 27, 2009

Man Killed In Front Of His Kids On Christmas Eve

Filed under: Diversity Is Our Strength, Gangs — mdstate @ 2:33 pm

This is just disgusting.

Full article here

A Salvation Army major was shot dead in front of his wife and three young kids in a Christmas Eve tragedy as he walked into the charity’s Little Rock, Arkansas headquarters.

Maj. Philip Wise, 40, had just returned to the Salvation Army with his kids, ages 4, 6 and 8, after he took home two bell ringers and collected their earnings from the day.

Two men with handguns approached Wise and his kids as they walked to the front door at the Salvation Army and demanded the money.

Political Correctness Allows Whites To Put Themselves In Danger

Filed under: Diversity Is Our Strength, Maryland, White Victims — mdstate @ 2:01 pm

Below are two local horrific news stories that should have never happened. White people have allowed themselves to be put in harms way through the medias indoctrination and the denial of reality. The father in the first story especially should have never allowed his daughter into this situation. He says she was the only White kid at the party. The outcome of this case is especially disgusting as once again black criminality is written off as something else.

Irishman seeks justice for his gang-raped teenage daughter

A YEAR after the crime, Séamus T’s voice still quivers when he recalls how he found his daughter Erin, then 15, lying on the roadside on the night of January 3rd, 2009.

“Daddy, Daddy, get them off me,” she kept moaning. The girl was semi-conscious, and was soaking wet because her assailants had put her under a shower to wash vomit and menstrual blood off her after they gang-raped her.

The ordeal started as a cosy reunion of three high-school girls after the holidays. Séamus T dropped his daughter off at an apartment in Gaithersburg, Maryland, at 8.30pm, and was to have picked her up three hours later.


Two more stories below are similar in nature. It is a sad state of affairs when white men in this country have sacrificed our women and children to escape being “racist”. We need our people to accept reality and start working towards a better future. It is time for Change For Our People

Woman raped, cut in Canton after allowing man to shovel sidewalk

In the Baltimore incident, the man had been paid for shoveling and had left. Later, the 26-year-old victim was inside the kitchen and she heard a knock on a side door. This time, the man forced his way inside and grabbed a kitchen knife, then sexually assaulted her in the kitchen and in an upstairs bedroom, records show.

During the assault, he cut her throat with the knife, causing a 5-inch gash that nipped her jugular, according to documents. As she was bleeding, the man stole cash, a bank card and two cell phones.

Baltimore County Police Trying to Bust Essex Cat Burglar

In the holiday season, there’s one man who is welcome in stranger’s homes overnight.  But it’s not Santa who’s been visiting townhouses in the Essex area.  Instead, police say it’s a cat burglar who makes his way into the bedrooms of women or teenage girls, often just before dawn.

Merry Christmas!!

This is a couple days late but we at One Maryland hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Below are two different pieces by prominent writers on the subject of this European holiday which is under attack along with the rest of our culture and heritage. As with most of what is posted in this blog both pieces below will be considered politically incorrect, but then again we live in a society where Christmas itself has become politically incorrect. So check them out for yourself and make your own decisions.

The Abolition Of Christmas: Patrick J Buchanan

WebNote: Pat Buchanan wrote this column back in December 2001. It is one of my favorites and is posted today as as we observe this Christmas of 2009.

And why should a tiny few who resent Christmas prevail in America over the great joyous majority who love it?

By Patrick J. Buchanan – December 21, 2001

When I was a boy, Kensington was a village half an hour north of Chevy Chase Circle where, inside an ice-cold armory, Catholic kids practiced basketball. Montgomery County was a bedroom suburb of D.C. Nothing beyond existed, except for the Rockville drive-in.

This fall, both precincts became world-famous as citadels of wacko liberalism. The Montgomery County Council voted to fine homeowners $500 who let cigarette smoke escape into neighbors’ houses. And the Kensington council voted to purge Santa from its 30-year-old tradition of lighting a pine tree in front of town hall.

Why did the Kensington Taliban expel St. Nick? Says the mayor: “Because two families felt that they would be uncomfortable with Santa Claus being a part of the event.” Ebeneezer Scrooge felt the same way.

Now this may not be in the Christmas spirit, but it needs to be said, as writer Tom Piatak says it so well in Chronicles. The spirit that seeks to purge Santa, and has already purged Christ from Christmas, is not a spirit of tolerance, but a spirit of “hatred, resentment and envy.”

And why should a tiny few who resent Christmas prevail in America over the great joyous majority who love it?

Multiculturalists say Christmas celebrations cause “non-Christians to feel ‘left out.’ I am skeptical, but even if the multiculturalists are right,” says Piatak, “how much should we worry about those who feel left out. … We cannot forever shield non-Christians from the reality that they are a minority in America, and suppressing the observances of the majority seems a high price to pay to allow overly sensitive souls to live in comfortable delusion.”

Moreover, he adds, “Christmas in America was never marked by pogroms or expressions of hatred, but by countless acts of charity and kindness. … The public celebration of Christmas was capable of being enjoyed by non-Christians as well as Christians, and almost everyone did enjoy at least some of it. I know of non-Christians who enjoy Christmas specials, Christmas movies, Christmas music.”

Under true tolerance, schoolchildren whose parents do not wish for them to take part in Christmas carols, pageants or plays would be exempt, but all non-Christians would be invited to join in.

But, as multiculturalists know, the result of free choice would be the almost-universal celebration of Christmas in public. And this they cannot abide, for their agenda is to purge from public life the Christian faith that gave birth to Western civilization. For they believe Western civilization was a blight upon mankind. As that great multiculturalist Jesse Jackson put it, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go!”

“Europe is the faith, the faith is Europe,” asserted the Catholic writer Hillaire Belloc. Piatak echoes Belloc. Christmas “has been the principal holiday of the world’s most creative civilization for over a millennium. It has inspired a profusion of art, architecture, literature and music; a love of Christmas can lead to a deeper love of our whole civilization. Giotto never painted a Kwanzaa scene, Bach did not write a Hanukkah oratorio, and Dickens did not pen ‘A Ramadan Carol.’ And no one comparable to them did, either.”

Indeed, the birth of Christ has inspired more great paintings, music and sculpture than any event in history. “Ultimately,” writes Piatak, “we should be free to celebrate Christmas publicly and joyously, because it is a great holiday, and because it is our holiday and one of the crowning glories of Western culture that gave birth to America and sustains us still.”

But why, then, are we not free to do so? Why may we not celebrate, as we did for 200 years, the birth of our Savior, the day God became man to open up for us the gates of heaven and bring mankind the hope of eternal salvation?

Answer: Because our Constitution has been hijacked by bigots in black robes, who perverted it to de-Christianize America. And we let them get away with it. Second, because Christians have become an intimidated lot, who will permit themselves to be pushed around and even permit their Savior to go uncelebrated for fear of being called insensitive. But if we do not proclaim the Son of God, will He proclaim us before the Father in heaven?

If Jesus was truly God, and the first Christmas was the day he was born of the Virgin Mary, and He came into the world for our salvation, what does it say about us that we would permit a handful of unhappy people to deny us the right to celebrate His birth in our public squares?

But, nevertheless, “God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing ye dismay,” not even the ACLU on this coming Christmas Day.


Oh Silent Night, Oh Holy Night…
A Christmas Message
Written and spoken  by David Duke

Christmas is the most holy day for the European people wherever we are in the world from Siberia to San Francisco, from Alaska to Auckland. Christmas is even more than a religious moment. For our forefathers took up the Christian faith and expressed its motif in the very art, heart and soul of what we call Western Civilization. Today, Christmas has even transcended that motif. For Christmas has become about all that we celebrate as Europeans. After its Christian symbolism, it is foremost about family, roots and community.

It is no accident that it closely coincides with the even more ancient European celebration of solstice, for solstice is the celebration of the nadir of winter, and the warmth and beauty and light to come. And it certainly is the most meaningful day of the year for all Europeans; Protestant or Catholic, Christian or Norse, Believer or nonbeliever. For on this day we are all believers in a sense. We are believers in goodness, in beauty, in nature, in love, in the bright faces of our children and the angelic light reflected from their eyes and hair.

All the way through Christmas is the expression of life, from the birth of the savior, to the symbol of life and nature expressed in our fragrant evergreen Christmas trees, to the sheer joy on the faces of our children, to the ruddy-faced white bearded Santa Claus in his red-brightened costume of the far north. An apt symbol is Father Christmas for he is like the archetypical grandfather of our people. European legend has him coming from the northern icy regions, and that symbolizes the ancestral home of our people. In fact, our race was fashioned and honed in the crucible of the last great ice age and the fierce weather that ruled over Europe 40,000 years ago. This archetypical European Santa comes to us in the dead of winter and the dead of night to bring us gifts of love, joy and hope!

For all of us in the Movement dedicated to the life and freedom of our people, Christmas should be a holy day and Christmas eve a holy night, a silent night of wonder, beauty and meaning. The most daunting enemy of our people is hopelessness and despair. We who are fully aware of the ongoing genocide of our folk across the world, the onrushing death of the West and the people of the West, sometimes seek to lessen the hurt in our heart of hearts by the solace of alcohol or what is but a mass addiction to the great spectator sports in the Western World, anything it seems to get our minds off of the mind-numbing prospect of the destruction and extinction of all we hold close to our hearts.

But, those who have written off the European American people will be surprised in the next decade, for a great awakening is now stirring among our Folk. The same genes that gave us our ancient heroes and artisans, commanders and poets are still within us. They are still in the soul and sinew of our children. It is our sacred task to touch those genes, to touch the hearts and minds of our people and bring them to the truth and ultimately to life again!

As solstice/Christmas is the nadir of winter, so this moment in history is the nadir of our people. But, the winter winds of death will be replaced soon with a warm spring breeze of life and renewal. We have been given the gifts of Christmas. One gift we have is the Internet by which our people can communicate wherever they are in the world… in an instant. We now have the ability to get the truth out to our brethren at the speed of light wherever our people dwell.

Right now as you read or hear these words, there are teenage boys and girls in their own homes around the world who hear these words along with you. And these words sing to their hearts as they do sing from mine. What is the song we sing? It is the song of love of family and folk, it is the song of life and of freedom, it is the song of beauty and achievement, it is the song our people have sung in their hearts from the time they emerged from the snow mists and brought civilization to the earth. It is a song that we shall sing as we awaken and it is a song that will stir the hearts of our descendents even as they travel to the infinite stars.

Have no fear my brethren, this is the Winter solstice of our people, the Spring will not be far behind if only you keep the faith, keep the beauty for which we strive in your hearts, contemplate these things in the silence of Christmas eve, and celebrate them in the unrestrained joy of Christmas day with family and friends, for these days are your days, make them meaningful.

Oh silent night, oh holy night! Let the love of kith an kin fill our hearts. Let these days renew us and rededicate us to our heritage and our freedom.

This has been David Duke
Merry Christmas and to all a good night


December 7, 2009

Detroit City Council Meeting Tell`s Whites to “Go Home”

Filed under: Diversity Is Our Strength, Double Standards, Politics — mdstate @ 1:48 pm

It should be more and more apparent everyday that the dispossession of White America is in full effect. This story is just like the local NAACP trying to keep a white mayor out of Baltimore. As stated time and time again- Moral appeals for equal rights of minorities are just a front. Their true agenda to dispossess white Americans and destroy our culture always comes out in the end. In this story, a college professor punches a white female in the face because she wasn`t doing enough to dispossess White America. Excerpt-

“A prominent Columbia architecture professor punched a female university employee in the face … during a heated argument about race relations, ….”

The punch came out of nowhere. Mac was talking to us about white privilege and what I was doing about it — apparently I wasn’t doing enough.”

Here is an excerpt from the article this post is originally based on-

“It was a tragic circus, a festival of ignorance that confirmed the No. 1 obstacle to Detroit’s progress is the bargain basement leaders that city voters elect. The black nationalism that is now the dominant ideology of the council was on proud display, both at the table and in the audience.

Speakers advocating for the deal were taunted by the crowd and cut short by Council President Monica Conyers, who presided over the hearing like an angry bulldog; whites were advised by the citizens to, “Go home.””

Question- Will you continue voting in people who don`t care about you, or will you start supporting those do? Contact us at One Maryland if so

December 5, 2009

Christopher Jones, Thomas Cunningham, Aysha Ring, R.I.P.

Filed under: Diversity Is Our Strength, Gangs, Maryland, White Victims — mdstate @ 2:55 pm

A case that made huge news here in Maryland recently was further highlighted by the criminality of non white culture. The case I`m referring to is of 14 year old Christopher Jones. Young Christopher was attacked by a gang of black teenagers. The attack unfortunately led to the death of Christopher. Yesterday the second of those on trial was sentenced up to four years in a juvenile facility.

We at One Maryland are not trying to use these cases to advance some kind of agenda. Instead this story further reinforces the fact that there are distinct differences between the cultures of the races and that we need to quit ignoring the elephant in the room. This case should be the standard for opposing section 8 housing and other “forced integration” programs in our state. The statistics of interracial violence overwhelmingly show whites as victims and it seems that attacks such as this one are occurring on an almost daily basis.

Another brutal murder here in Maryland that happened last year has just wrapped up in the courts also. 24 year old Aysha Ring`s “…throat and wrists were slashed while she waited in line at a Catonsville convenience store last November.” The defendant was found not criminally responsible.

If mass media cannot cover up these stories they will certainly try hard to cover up the racial aspects of them but we have been documenting these cases for what they are. Yet another recent horrific story is of Thomas Cunningham who was killed in front of his 13 year old daughter while out getting ice cream.

As mentioned above we need to quit ignoring the elephant in the room. No matter how uncomfortable they try and make you feel, we need to admit the facts and start working to correct it. It is time for Change For Our People

November 28, 2009

WW2 Vets Say Britain Has Betrayed Them

Excellent commentary/ article from one of the countries at the forefront of cultural, moral, and soveirgn destruction. It is no wonder the British National Party is fairing so well today in the UK. Organizations like the BNP and others are demonized by mass media at every turn. This is because mass media is an extension of corporate globalists and are helping to carry out their agenda. No matter how much screaming and hollering media does about “racism”, etc., our people need to realize the Nationalist parties are the only ones who will fight for them.

‘This isn’t the Britain we fought for,’ say the ‘unknown warriors’ of WWII

Nearly 400,000 Britons died. Millions more were scarred by the experience, physically and mentally.

But was it worth it? Her answer – and the answer of many of her contemporaries, now in their 80s and 90s – is a resounding No.

They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It’s not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger.

Sarah harks back to the days when ‘people kept the laws and were polite and courteous. We didn’t have much money, but we were contented and happy.

‘People whistled and sang. There was still the United Kingdom, our country, which we had fought for, our freedom, democracy. But where is it now?!’

Full article here

November 27, 2009

Diversity- Deadlier Then War and Cancer

Filed under: Diversity Is Our Strength, Media Cowards, White Victims — mdstate @ 2:30 pm

Karen Gentry says all five victims have been identified, four by dental records since their home was burned. They are her father Edward Gentry, her brother, Edward Gentry Jr.; his wife, Pam; their son, Jeremy, and his friend Kristyn Warneke. Her grandfather, Edward Gentry Sr., was found in a mobile home on the same property.

A comment posted from this story talks about how one of the victims survived three wars and cancer only to be killed by these animals. He also goes on to say race is not an issue. Well race is an issue when whites are being slaughtered wholesale

“This is not and should not be about race. There are good and bad people of all races. This was about young men who for some reason went down the wrong path in life which included drugs, theft, rape and now arson, and murder of 5 innocent people-one of which served in WWII, Vietnam and Korea and suffered a gun shot wound to his leg requiring bone grafting and years of healing, as well as shrapnel injury to his lungs, which then collapsed his lungs requiring they be surgically attached to his chest wall and for which made his lungs weakened for the rest of his life. He never quit and went on to serve as an LVN and continued to care for his fellow soldiers for 26 years. Upon retiring he cared for a elderly man in a nursing home who had no hope of getting out of the bed. This man helped this man walk again and was able to take him to a new home and care for him until he died. He then cared for his terminally ill wife who died a horrible death from lung cancer. He cared for his elderly father. He cared for his elderly mother in law. He allowed his medically disabled son to come live on his property after he suffered two heart attacks at the age of 50 and couldn’t work any more and for which he couldn’t even qualify for disability because his wife a medical transcriptionist made too much money according to social security disability. He allowed his medically disabled grand son stay there too after he was disabled due to severe anxiety. This man 9 months prior to being killed had a left below knee amputation due to bone cancer of the heal and in 5 months drove himself to Savannah, Ga to go on vacation with his family for the last time. He battled 5 cancers to go on to be beaten, tied up, with his mouth duct taped and then he was shot in the head at the age of 80. No, this man and his family did not deserve any of this. No, this is not a racist issue-this is people in society for some reason, going down the wrong path of destruction and they took innocent people with them.”

National Media Silent On “Bias” Crime

“The Denver Police Department announced today that they have made 32 arrests during a sweep to end a four-month spree of what police said were racially motivated assaults and robberies in downtown Denver, including the LoDo entertainment district.”

Note: This blog is not set up to point out every crime committed against our people by others. For one thing, society is sick as a whole and although the numbers are greatly disproportionate against it, there are crimes committed by our own people. The main point of this is to bring attention to the double standards and the hypocrisy of the media in reporting these crimes. Mass media would blow this story through the roof had the races been reversed. They are in effect creating an alter reality that is not in the best interest for our people. While hollywood makes feel good movies with the intention of destroying the natural self-preservation instincts of our people, they will ignore the racial aspects of every day stories like these two recent ones of Freddie Jones who is still in critical condition after being burned alive and of Christopher Kernich, a college student who was beaten to death for no reason. That being said, the purpose of this blog is to make our people realize that we need to rely on our own media, we need to create our own special interests groups, and we need to protect the best interests of our people… because no one else will do it for us.  One Maryland is on the front line to do so. The question is- Will you support us and help us work for a better future, or will you allow allow your children to grow up in a world they are not welcome in?

November 17, 2009

Another Horrific Rape In America`s Third World

Filed under: Diversity Is Our Strength, Uncategorized, White Victims — mdstate @ 1:48 am

“The men are accused of abducting a pregnant woman at gunpoint, taking her money, and assaulting her.  She says her attackers demanded money, punched her in the head and legs, and repeatedly threatened to kill her and shoot her in the stomach. After trying to get more money at ATM’s, the victim says the men raped her, then tied her up and left her on the side of the road.”

The future is not getting any better. It is time for Change For Our People

Maryland`s Hate Crime Bias And Media Cowards

I remember vaguely hearing about this murder a few years ago. It never made any real news-

“On April 23, 2006 Jennifer Morelock, a pregnant 25-year-old Caucasian woman, and Jason Woycio, a 29-year-old Caucasian man, pulled into the 2500 block of Arunah Avenue in West Baltimore in a red Pontiac Grand Am. While they were there, a person walked up to the car and shot them repeatedly. Davon Temple, a then-17 African-American male, was arrested for their murders five days later. But on June 7, 2006, all charges against him were dropped. According to charging documents, Temple had a text message on his phone that said “I killed 2 white people around my way 2day & 1 of them was a woman.””

Here is an excellent commentary by Gregory Kane on this. I have read his pieces for awhile and I give him kudos for continuously taking to task the African community on their actions. Unlike the race hustlers he doesn`t try and disguise non white crime as white racism. The big question, where was the rest of the local media in this story? Had the roles been reversed you all know damn well this story would be burned into our minds and still be brought up today. While we are on the subject of stories, another one I heard was of a white guy who met a black woman from Baltimore while he was in college down south. He came to live with her here in Baltimore on North Avenue (an all black area). One day he was walking to the store and was murdered and just left on the street as everyone walked by much the same as Kirsten Brydum. While we have yet to verify that one we did post a link to another local story that was quickly swept under the rug here.

We at One Maryland have created this blog to expose the media and their biased reporting as the frauds they are. As members of the dispossessed majority of Maryland, we know that we have no place in the current system. We are trapped between those that sell us out and bleed us dry on a political level and those that rape, rob, and murder us on a street level.

And yes we do know that race transcends both the political and street level. We at One Maryland oppose anyone of any race who ruins the future of the decent and hardworking people of our communities. Please contact us if you would like to work with us for a better future.

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