One Maryland Blog

December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

This is a couple days late but we at One Maryland hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Below are two different pieces by prominent writers on the subject of this European holiday which is under attack along with the rest of our culture and heritage. As with most of what is posted in this blog both pieces below will be considered politically incorrect, but then again we live in a society where Christmas itself has become politically incorrect. So check them out for yourself and make your own decisions.

The Abolition Of Christmas: Patrick J Buchanan

WebNote: Pat Buchanan wrote this column back in December 2001. It is one of my favorites and is posted today as as we observe this Christmas of 2009.

And why should a tiny few who resent Christmas prevail in America over the great joyous majority who love it?

By Patrick J. Buchanan – December 21, 2001

When I was a boy, Kensington was a village half an hour north of Chevy Chase Circle where, inside an ice-cold armory, Catholic kids practiced basketball. Montgomery County was a bedroom suburb of D.C. Nothing beyond existed, except for the Rockville drive-in.

This fall, both precincts became world-famous as citadels of wacko liberalism. The Montgomery County Council voted to fine homeowners $500 who let cigarette smoke escape into neighbors’ houses. And the Kensington council voted to purge Santa from its 30-year-old tradition of lighting a pine tree in front of town hall.

Why did the Kensington Taliban expel St. Nick? Says the mayor: “Because two families felt that they would be uncomfortable with Santa Claus being a part of the event.” Ebeneezer Scrooge felt the same way.

Now this may not be in the Christmas spirit, but it needs to be said, as writer Tom Piatak says it so well in Chronicles. The spirit that seeks to purge Santa, and has already purged Christ from Christmas, is not a spirit of tolerance, but a spirit of “hatred, resentment and envy.”

And why should a tiny few who resent Christmas prevail in America over the great joyous majority who love it?

Multiculturalists say Christmas celebrations cause “non-Christians to feel ‘left out.’ I am skeptical, but even if the multiculturalists are right,” says Piatak, “how much should we worry about those who feel left out. … We cannot forever shield non-Christians from the reality that they are a minority in America, and suppressing the observances of the majority seems a high price to pay to allow overly sensitive souls to live in comfortable delusion.”

Moreover, he adds, “Christmas in America was never marked by pogroms or expressions of hatred, but by countless acts of charity and kindness. … The public celebration of Christmas was capable of being enjoyed by non-Christians as well as Christians, and almost everyone did enjoy at least some of it. I know of non-Christians who enjoy Christmas specials, Christmas movies, Christmas music.”

Under true tolerance, schoolchildren whose parents do not wish for them to take part in Christmas carols, pageants or plays would be exempt, but all non-Christians would be invited to join in.

But, as multiculturalists know, the result of free choice would be the almost-universal celebration of Christmas in public. And this they cannot abide, for their agenda is to purge from public life the Christian faith that gave birth to Western civilization. For they believe Western civilization was a blight upon mankind. As that great multiculturalist Jesse Jackson put it, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go!”

“Europe is the faith, the faith is Europe,” asserted the Catholic writer Hillaire Belloc. Piatak echoes Belloc. Christmas “has been the principal holiday of the world’s most creative civilization for over a millennium. It has inspired a profusion of art, architecture, literature and music; a love of Christmas can lead to a deeper love of our whole civilization. Giotto never painted a Kwanzaa scene, Bach did not write a Hanukkah oratorio, and Dickens did not pen ‘A Ramadan Carol.’ And no one comparable to them did, either.”

Indeed, the birth of Christ has inspired more great paintings, music and sculpture than any event in history. “Ultimately,” writes Piatak, “we should be free to celebrate Christmas publicly and joyously, because it is a great holiday, and because it is our holiday and one of the crowning glories of Western culture that gave birth to America and sustains us still.”

But why, then, are we not free to do so? Why may we not celebrate, as we did for 200 years, the birth of our Savior, the day God became man to open up for us the gates of heaven and bring mankind the hope of eternal salvation?

Answer: Because our Constitution has been hijacked by bigots in black robes, who perverted it to de-Christianize America. And we let them get away with it. Second, because Christians have become an intimidated lot, who will permit themselves to be pushed around and even permit their Savior to go uncelebrated for fear of being called insensitive. But if we do not proclaim the Son of God, will He proclaim us before the Father in heaven?

If Jesus was truly God, and the first Christmas was the day he was born of the Virgin Mary, and He came into the world for our salvation, what does it say about us that we would permit a handful of unhappy people to deny us the right to celebrate His birth in our public squares?

But, nevertheless, “God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing ye dismay,” not even the ACLU on this coming Christmas Day.


Oh Silent Night, Oh Holy Night…
A Christmas Message
Written and spoken  by David Duke

Christmas is the most holy day for the European people wherever we are in the world from Siberia to San Francisco, from Alaska to Auckland. Christmas is even more than a religious moment. For our forefathers took up the Christian faith and expressed its motif in the very art, heart and soul of what we call Western Civilization. Today, Christmas has even transcended that motif. For Christmas has become about all that we celebrate as Europeans. After its Christian symbolism, it is foremost about family, roots and community.

It is no accident that it closely coincides with the even more ancient European celebration of solstice, for solstice is the celebration of the nadir of winter, and the warmth and beauty and light to come. And it certainly is the most meaningful day of the year for all Europeans; Protestant or Catholic, Christian or Norse, Believer or nonbeliever. For on this day we are all believers in a sense. We are believers in goodness, in beauty, in nature, in love, in the bright faces of our children and the angelic light reflected from their eyes and hair.

All the way through Christmas is the expression of life, from the birth of the savior, to the symbol of life and nature expressed in our fragrant evergreen Christmas trees, to the sheer joy on the faces of our children, to the ruddy-faced white bearded Santa Claus in his red-brightened costume of the far north. An apt symbol is Father Christmas for he is like the archetypical grandfather of our people. European legend has him coming from the northern icy regions, and that symbolizes the ancestral home of our people. In fact, our race was fashioned and honed in the crucible of the last great ice age and the fierce weather that ruled over Europe 40,000 years ago. This archetypical European Santa comes to us in the dead of winter and the dead of night to bring us gifts of love, joy and hope!

For all of us in the Movement dedicated to the life and freedom of our people, Christmas should be a holy day and Christmas eve a holy night, a silent night of wonder, beauty and meaning. The most daunting enemy of our people is hopelessness and despair. We who are fully aware of the ongoing genocide of our folk across the world, the onrushing death of the West and the people of the West, sometimes seek to lessen the hurt in our heart of hearts by the solace of alcohol or what is but a mass addiction to the great spectator sports in the Western World, anything it seems to get our minds off of the mind-numbing prospect of the destruction and extinction of all we hold close to our hearts.

But, those who have written off the European American people will be surprised in the next decade, for a great awakening is now stirring among our Folk. The same genes that gave us our ancient heroes and artisans, commanders and poets are still within us. They are still in the soul and sinew of our children. It is our sacred task to touch those genes, to touch the hearts and minds of our people and bring them to the truth and ultimately to life again!

As solstice/Christmas is the nadir of winter, so this moment in history is the nadir of our people. But, the winter winds of death will be replaced soon with a warm spring breeze of life and renewal. We have been given the gifts of Christmas. One gift we have is the Internet by which our people can communicate wherever they are in the world… in an instant. We now have the ability to get the truth out to our brethren at the speed of light wherever our people dwell.

Right now as you read or hear these words, there are teenage boys and girls in their own homes around the world who hear these words along with you. And these words sing to their hearts as they do sing from mine. What is the song we sing? It is the song of love of family and folk, it is the song of life and of freedom, it is the song of beauty and achievement, it is the song our people have sung in their hearts from the time they emerged from the snow mists and brought civilization to the earth. It is a song that we shall sing as we awaken and it is a song that will stir the hearts of our descendents even as they travel to the infinite stars.

Have no fear my brethren, this is the Winter solstice of our people, the Spring will not be far behind if only you keep the faith, keep the beauty for which we strive in your hearts, contemplate these things in the silence of Christmas eve, and celebrate them in the unrestrained joy of Christmas day with family and friends, for these days are your days, make them meaningful.

Oh silent night, oh holy night! Let the love of kith an kin fill our hearts. Let these days renew us and rededicate us to our heritage and our freedom.

This has been David Duke
Merry Christmas and to all a good night


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